25 facts about colour to make your life a little more colourful

25 facts about colour to make your
life a little more colourful, hope you enjoy!

Industry News 4th March 2019

Colours add interest, they help differentiate stuff, they evoke feelings,
and to most of us they’re rather pretty! We all have a favourite colour,
and colours mean things, they can warn of danger, stand out, or blend
in… use colour wisely! Did you know these things about colours:

1. Blue is the most favourite
colour in the world.

Illustration Design Agency Staffordshire

2. Orange is the least
favourite colour.

orange globe graphic

3. Men and women see colours differently.

Cartoon Graphic Design Lichfield

4. Yellow/Red combination makes you hungry.

burger king and McDonalds logos

5. Silver cars are less often involved in accidents.

there grey car graphics

6. The colour wheel was
invented by Isaac Newton.

circle rainbow graphic

7. Bulls don’t hate red, they
are colour blind.

Cartoon Design Lichfield

8. The sun’s white, it only looks yellow on earth!

Illustration Designers Birmingham

9. 99% of us dream in glorious colour.

Cartoon Design Agency Lichfield

10. Your eye can see 7.000.000 different colours.

Graphic Design Agency Lichfield

11. You can see more shades of green than other colours.

Graphic Design Agency Lichfield

12. Red is the first colour a baby sees.

Cartoon Style Graphic Design Staffordshire

13. Colour affects taste: hot chocolate tastes better
in a orange cup.

Cartoon Design Illustrations

14. Orange colour is named after the fruit its original
name is geoluhread

Illustration agency lichfield

15. Pink suppresses anger and anxiety.

Bespoke Graphic Design Agency Lichfield

16. Mosquitoes are
attracted by blue.

Cartoon Style Graphic design agency

17. Birds can not see blue,
except the owl.

Cartoon Design Agency

18. Lobster blood is colourless.

Cartoon Style Graphic Design Agency

19. Post-it notes originally used yellow scrap paper.

Cartoon Style Design Agency

20. The colour of a pepper is no indication of its heat.

Illustration Agency Birmingham

21. The most used highlighter is yellow
(which is helpfully invisible when photocopied).

Illustrator in Lichfield

22. Chromophobia is an irrational fear of colours.

Cartoon Style Bespoke Graphic Design Agency

23. Dollars are green as the green ink was the cheapest!

Bespoke Graphic Design Lichfield

24. Black is the absence of colour, it’s not a colour.

Bespoke Graphic Design Agency Based in Lichfield

25. Colours don’t exist, they are created by your brain!

Graphic Design Lichfield
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